Number of SpeedClean Stores in the United States

According to reports, there are 1,263 SpeedClean locations in 52 states and territories of the United States. The highest number of SpeedClean locations in the US are in Pennsylvania and Houston with 107 locations and 15 stores, respectively. Pennsylvania makes up approximately 8% of all SpeedClean locations in the United States.

Data updated on January 21, 2025

How Many SpeedClean Stores are Present in the USA?

SpeedClean stores deals in maintenance and coil cleaning tools. The total number of SpeedClean stores in the US are 1263 and its graphical representation is shown in map.

LocationsCloud Map
Store Location


States Location


Cities Location


Top 10 States & Territories With the Highest Number of SpeedClean Stores

Explore the top 10 U.S. states and territories with the highest number of SpeedClean Stores locations. Highlighted below are the top 3 states and territories where SpeedClean Stores has the strongest presence along with a detailed breakdown of store counts and population data for each state.

107 (8%)

In Pennsylvania, there is one store for every 119,645 people, accounting for approximately 8% of all SpeedClean Stores locations.

104 (8%)

In Texas, there is one store for every 278,808 people, accounting for approximately 8% of all SpeedClean Stores locations.

85 (7%)

In Florida, there is one store for every 252,682 people, accounting for approximately 7% of all SpeedClean Stores locations.

State & Territory Number of Locations Population Population Per Locations
Pennsylvania 107 (8%) 12.80M 119.64K
Texas 104 (8%) 29.00M 278.81K
Florida 85 (7%) 21.48M 252.68K
Massachusetts 79 (6%) 6.89M 87.25K
New York 75 (6%) 19.45M 259.39K
California 73 (6%) 39.51M 541.26K
New Jersey 51 (4%) 8.88M 174.16K
Connecticut 41 (3%) 3.56M 86.95K
Virginia 41 (3%) 8.54M 208.19K
Maryland 40 (3%) 6.05M 151.15K
SpeedClean Stores operates in 54 States and Territories across the United States.

Which States and Territories Don't Have SpeedClean Stores?

Find out the 4 States & Territories across the US that are don’t yet have SpeedClean Stores locations. The list of regions where the popular brand has yet to establish its presence are:

  • District of Columbia
  • American Samoa
  • Guam
  • Northern Mariana Islands

Top Cities With the Most SpeedClean Stores Outlets in the United States

Discover the top 10 cities across the US with highest SpeedClean Stores outlet locations. The detailed breakdown provides a clear view of SpeedClean Stores location distribution among the states & territories and number of store locations in the USA.

City State & Territory Number of Store
Houston Texas 15
Philadelphia Pennsylvania 11
San Antonio Texas 9
Stamford Connecticut 8
Manchester New Hampshire 7
Providence Rhode Island 7
Hartford Connecticut 7
New Haven Connecticut 6
Albany New York 6
Austin Texas 6

List of SpeedClean Stores Competitors Analysis

Explore a comprehensive analysis of SpeedClean Stores top competitors along with number of stores, states and cities across USA.

Brand Vs Competitors Number of Store Number of States Number of Cities
SpeedClean SpeedClean-icon   vs   Marys_Gone Verizon Wireless 6,227
(+4,964 locations than SpeedClean)
(-1 states than SpeedClean)
(+2,561 cities than SpeedClean)
SpeedClean SpeedClean-icon   vs   starbucks logo Metro by T-Mobile 6,622
(+5,359 locations than SpeedClean)
( -4 states than SpeedClean)
(+1,206 cities than SpeedClean)
SpeedClean SpeedClean-icon   vs   McDonalds AT&T 5,340
( +4,077 locations than SpeedClean)
(-1 states than SpeedClean)
(+2,000 cities than SpeedClean)
SpeedClean SpeedClean-icon   vs   Hunt_Brothers_Pizza T-Mobile 5,773
( +4,510 locations than SpeedClean)
(Same as SpeedClean)
( +1,997 cities than SpeedClean)
SpeedClean SpeedClean-icon   vs   7-Eleven-icon Cricket Wireless
( +3,146 locations than SpeedClean)
( -1 states than SpeedClean)
( +1,397 cities than SpeedClean)

Get A List of SpeedClean Stores Locations of the USA

Get the complete SpeedClean Stores locations datasets for the USA! Download in any format you need, including JSON, Esri Shapefile, GeoJSON, KML (Google Earth), or even a custom format. This enriched POI dataset includes geo-coded addresses, phone numbers, opening hours, and more.

Download the Complete Datasets of SpeedClean Stores Locations Across the USA

You can download the complete list of SpeedClean Stores locations used in this analysis from our data store. Here’s a sample of 10 records for you to review the fields and data that we provide.

Store ID Brand/Store Name Category Store URL Phone No. Address Latitude Longitude Direction URL Store Status
1 SpeedClean Computers & Electronics 315-785-5502 22610 Murrock Cir., Suite 2 44.0041909 -75.9196095 Open
2 SpeedClean Computers & Electronics (479) 424-2444 4700 Phoenix Avenue 35.3376106 -94.3810647 Open
3 SpeedClean Computers & Electronics (479) 648-9700 2400 Ingersoll Circle 35.3245125 -94.408339 Open
4 SpeedClean Computers & Electronics (501) 562-8484 3400 W. 65th Street 34.690206 -92.3146506 Open
5 SpeedClean Computers & Electronics (501) 661-0667 19 Colonel Glenn Plaza Drive 34.7078098 -92.4035544 Open
6 SpeedClean Computers & Electronics (901) 795-3800 3660 Air Park Street 35.0485949 -89.9306738 Open
7 SpeedClean Computers & Electronics (901) 324-1111 3078 Broad Avenue 35.147762 -89.9585363 Open
8 SpeedClean Computers & Electronics (901) 507-4505 5253 Pleasant View Road 35.1736859 -89.8884118 Open
9 SpeedClean Computers & Electronics (918) 317-3158 2201 N Willow Ave 36.0739788 -95.8381132 Open
10 SpeedClean Computers & Electronics (918) 664-1990 9955 East 55th Place 36.0842477 -95.8645156 Open