Number of Safeway Inc Stores in the United States

According to reports, there are 920 Safeway Inc stores in 18 states and territories of the United States. The highest number of Safeway Inc locations in the US are in California and Seattle with 244 stores and 16 stores, respectively. California makes up approximately 27% of all Safeway Inc stores in the United States.

Data updated on February 7, 2025

How Many Safeway Inc Stores Are Present in the USA?

Safeway, Inc. is an American supermarket chain and a subsidiary of Independent and Albertsons. The total number of Safeway store locations in the U.S. is 915, and its graphical representation is shown on the map.

LocationsCloud Map
Store Location


States Location


Cities Location


Top 10 States & Territories With The Highest Number of Safeway Inc Outlets

Explore the top 10 U.S. states and territories with the highest number of Safeway Inc Stores locations. Highlighted below are the top 3 states and territories where Safeway Inc Stores has the strongest presence along with a detailed breakdown of store counts and population data for each state.

244 (27%)

In California, there is one store for every 161,934 people, accounting for approximately 27% of all Safeway Inc locations.

184 (20%)

In Washington, there is one store for every 41,386 people, accounting for approximately 20% of all Safeway Inc.’s locations.

105 (11%)

In Arizona, there is one store for every 69,324 people, accounting for approximately 11% of all Safeway Inc.’s locations.

State & Territory Number of Locations Population Population Per Locations
California 244 (27%) 39.51M 161.93K
Washington 184 (20%) 7.62M 41.39K
Arizona 105 (11%) 7.28M 69.32K
Colorado 103 (11%) 5.76M 55.91K
Oregon 97 (11%) 4.22M 43.48K
Maryland 60 (7%) 6.05M 100.77K
Virginia 37 (4%) 8.54M 230.70K
Hawaii 23 (2%) 1.42M 61.56K
Alaska 12 (1%) 732.00K 61.00K
District of Columbia 12 (1%) 706.00K 58.83K
Safeway Inc’s operates in 19 States and Territories across the United States.

Which States and Territories Don't Have Safeway Inc Stores?

Find out the 2 States & Territories across the US that are don’t yet have Safeway Inc stores locations. The list of regions where the popular brand has yet to establish its presence are:

  • American Samoa
  • Guam
  • New Jersey
  • South Carolina
  • Wisconsin
  • New York
  • Kansas
  • Maine
  • Georgia
  • Rhode Island
  • Indiana
  • U.S. Virgin Islands
  • Northern Mariana Islands
  • Pennsylvania
  • North Dakota
  • Connecticut
  • Minnesota
  • New Hampshire
  • Puerto Rico
  • Missouri
  • Texas
  • Massachusetts
  • Kentucky
  • Tennessee
  • Ohio
  • Arkansas
  • Vermont
  • Alabama
  • Michigan
  • Utah
  • Louisiana
  • North Carolina
  • Iowa
  • Illinois
  • Mississippi
  • Florida
  • West Virginia
  • Oklahoma

Top Cities With the Most Safeway Inc Outlets in the United States

Discover the top 10 cities across the US with highest Safeway Inc outlet locations. The detailed breakdown provides a clear view of Safeway Inc location distribution among the states & territories and number of store locations in the USA.

City State & Territory Number of Store
Seattle Washington 16
Phoenix Arizona 14
San Jose California 14
Tucson Arizona 14
San Francisco California 14
Portland Oregon 13
Colorado Springs Colorado 12
Spokane Washington 12
Washington District of Columbia 12
Denver Colorado 10

List of Safeway Inc stores Competitors Analysis

Explore a comprehensive analysis of Safeway Inc stores top competitors along with number of stores, states and cities across USA.

Safeway Inc Vs Others Number of Store Number of States Number of Cities
Safeway Inc Safeway Inc-icon   vs   Marys_Gone Dollar General 19,836
(+18,916 locations than Safeway Inc)
(+30 states than Safeway Inc)
(+7,163 cities than Safeway Inc)
Safeway Inc Safeway Inc-icon   vs   starbucks logo Family Dollar 8,427
(+7,507 locations than Safeway Inc)
(+31 states than Safeway Inc)
(+3,435 cities than Safeway Inc)
Safeway Inc Safeway Inc-icon   vs   McDonalds Kroger Company 2,897
(+1,977 locations than Safeway Inc)
(+18 states than Safeway Inc)
(+725 cities than Safeway Inc)
Safeway Inc Safeway Inc-icon   vs   Hunt_Brothers_Pizza ALDI 2,362
(+1,442 locations than Safeway Inc)
(+21 states than Safeway Inc)
(+1,085 cities than Safeway Inc)
Safeway Inc Safeway Inc-icon   vs   Dunkin Donuts Albertsons Companies 2,305
(+1,385 locations than Safeway Inc)
(+17 states than Safeway Inc)
(+694 cities than Safeway Inc)

Get A List of Safeway Inc Locations of the USA

Get the complete Safeway Inc store locations datasets for the USA! Download in any format you need, including JSON, Esri Shapefile, GeoJSON, KML (Google Earth), or even a custom format. This enriched POI dataset includes geo-coded addresses, phone numbers, opening hours, and more.

Download the Complete Datasets of Safeway Inc Locations Across the USA

You can download the complete list of Safeway Inc locations used in this analysis from our data store. Here’s a sample of 10 records for you to review the fields and data that we provide.


Store ID Brand/Store Name Store URL Phone No. Address Latitude Longitude Direction URL Store Status
1 Safeway Inc (510) 483-2681 555 Floresta Blvd 37.70296887 -122.1433869 Open
2 Safeway Inc (650) 588-9005 2255 Gellert Blvd 37.64682011 -122.4520123 Open
3 Safeway Inc (510) 450-1200 3889 San Pablo Ave 37.82955487 -122.2799851 Open
4 Safeway Inc (650) 903-5850 1750 Miramonte Ave 37.37255129 -122.0884089 Open
5 Safeway Inc (707) 452-7277 2090 Harbison Dr 38.36235022 -121.9617514 Open
6 Safeway Inc (530) 273-0115 105 Neal St 39.21624546 -121.0627484 Open
7 Safeway Inc (831) 442-7500 1546 N Main St 36.71284141 -121.6521799 Open
8 Safeway Inc (510) 465-4187 3747 Grand Ave 37.81746532 -122.2457197 Open
9 Safeway Inc (530) 899-2320 1366 East Ave 39.76254107 -121.8225183 Open
10 Safeway Inc (707) 427-5640 2401 Waterman Dr 38.27172691 -122.0530127 Open