Number of Hunt Brothers Pizza Stores in the United States

According to reports, there are 9,588 Hunt Brothers Pizza stores in 36 states and territories of the United States. The highest number of Hunt Brothers Pizza locations of US are in Texas and Memphis with 993 stores and 124 stores, respectively. Texas makes up approximately 10% of all Hunt Brothers Pizza stores in the United States.

Data updated on February 7, 2025

How Many Hunt Brothers Pizza Stores are Present in the USA?

Hunt Brothers Pizza is an American Pizza restaurant chain. The total number of Hunt Brothers Pizza store locations in the US is 9588, and its graphical representation is shown on the map.

LocationsCloud Map
Store Location


States Location


Cities Location


Top 10 States & Territories With The Highest Number of Hunt Brothers Pizza Outlets

Explore the top 10 U.S. states and territories with the highest number of Hunt Brothers Pizza Stores locations. Highlighted below are the top 3 states and territories where Hunt Brothers Pizza Stores has the strongest presence along with a detailed breakdown of store counts and population data for each state.

993 (10%)

In Texas, there is one store for every 19,609 people, accounting for approximately 10% of all Hunt Brothers Pizza locations.

975 (10%)

In Alabama, there is one store for every 5,029 people, accounting for approximately 10% of all Hunt Brothers Pizza locations.

841 (9%)

In Georgia, there is one store for every 12,624 people, accounting for approximately 9% of all Hunt Brothers Pizza locations.

State & Territory Number of Locations Population Population Per Locations
Texas 993 (10%) 29.00M 29.20K
Alabama 975 (10%) 4.90M 5.03K
Georgia 841 (9%) 10.62M 12.62K
Louisiana 811 (8%) 4.65M 5.73K
Tennessee 724 (8%) 6.83M 9.43K
Mississippi 641 (7%) 2.98M 4.64K
Kentucky 463 (5%) 4.47M 9.65K
North Carolina 436 (5%) 10.49M 24.05K
24.05K 408 (4%) 6.14M 15.04K
Oklahoma 398 (4%) 3.96M 9.94K
Hunt Brothers Pizza operates in 36 States and Territories across the United States.

Which States and Territories Don't Have Hunt Brothers Stores?

Find out the 20 States & Territories across the US that are don’t yet have Hunt Brothers stores locations. The list of regions where the popular brand has yet to establish its presence are:

  • Rhode Island
  • California
  • U.S. Virgin Islands
  • Northern Mariana Islands
  • Connecticut
  • Idaho
  • New Hampshire
  • Puerto Rico
  • Hawaii
  • Alaska
  • Massachusetts
  • Nevada
  • Vermont
  • Utah
  • American Samoa
  • Washington
  • Oregon
  • Guam
  • Arizona
  • Maine

Top Cities With the Most Hunt Brothers Outlets in the United States

Discover the top 10 cities across the US with highest Hunt Brothers outlet locations. The detailed breakdown provides a clear view of Hunt Brothers location distribution among the states & territories and number of store locations in the USA.

City State & Territory Number of Store
Memphis Tennessee 124
Montgomery Alabama 57
Lake Charles Louisiana 55
Jackson Mississippi 37
Houston Texas 35
Birmingham Alabama 32
Nashville Tennessee 29
Baton Rouge Louisiana 26
Shreveport Louisiana 24
Hattiesburg Mississippi 23

List of Hunt Brothers Stores Competitors Analysis

Explore a comprehensive analysis of Hunt Brothers stores top competitors along with number of stores, states and cities across USA.

Hunt Brothers Pizza Vs Others Number of Store Number of States Number of Cities
Hunt Brothers Pizza vs Domino’s Pizza 6,887
( -2,701 locations than Hunt Brothers Pizza)
(+16 states than Hunt Brothers Pizza)
( -605 cities than Hunt Brothers Pizza)
Hunt Brothers Pizza vs Pizza Hut 6,827
( -2,761 locations than Hunt Brothers Pizza)
(+16 states than Hunt Brothers Pizza)
( -973 cities than Hunt Brothers Pizza)
Hunt Brothers Pizza vs Little Caesars 4,203
( -5,385 locations than Hunt Brothers Pizza)
(+16 states than Hunt Brothers Pizza)
( -1,845 cities than Hunt Brothers Pizza)
Hunt Brothers Pizza vs Papa John’s 3,142
( -6,446 locations than Hunt Brothers Pizza)
(+14 states than Hunt Brothers Pizza)
( -2,348 cities than Hunt Brothers Pizza)
Hunt Brothers Pizza vs Papa Murphy’s 1,129
( -8,459 locations than Hunt Brothers Pizza)
( -1 states than Hunt Brothers Pizza)
( -3,393 cities than Hunt Brothers Pizza)

Get A List of Hunt Brothers Locations of the USA

Get the complete Hunt Brothers store locations datasets for the USA! Download in any format you need, including JSON, Esri Shapefile, GeoJSON, KML (Google Earth), or even a custom format. This enriched POI dataset includes geo-coded addresses, phone numbers, opening hours, and more.

Download the Complete Datasets of Hunt Brothers Locations Across the USA

You can download the complete list of Hunt Brothers locations used in this analysis from our data store. Here’s a sample of 10 records for you to review the fields and data that we provide.


Store ID Brand/Store Name Store URL Phone No. Address Latitude Longitude Direction URL Store Status
1 Hunt Brothers Https:// (936) 967-4296 Fm 2457 30.7386044 -95.0107697 Open
2 Hunt Brothers Https:// (936) 566-4149 3375 Fm 3277 30.706161 -95.080937 Open
3 Hunt Brothers Https:// (936) 967-8285 5701 Us Highway 190 West 30.739322 -95.012136 Open
4 Hunt Brothers Https:// (832) 879-7221 1809 North Washington Avenue 30.724602 -94.93292 Open
5 Hunt Brothers Https:// (936) 327-3222 318 North Washington Avenue 30.710826 -94.932876 Open
6 Hunt Brothers Https:// (936) 365-2793 4727 Us Highway 59 S 30.646216 -94.944787 Open
7 Hunt Brothers Https:// (936) 327-3310 5060 Highway 146 30.662137 -94.890156 Open
8 Hunt Brothers Https:// (281) 356-6130 29910 Dobbin Hufsmith Road 30.185866 -95.629089 Open
9 Hunt Brothers Https:// (936) 449-8064 15450 Walden Rd 30.404668 -95.648765 Open
10 Hunt Brothers Https:// (936) 448-7800 17742 Highway 105 30.373131 -95.632593 Open